Tories Refuse CTF Entry to Budget Lockup

Author: Derek Fildebrandt 2013/03/05
  • First time in 20 years CTF barred from provincial budget lockup

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) was informed Monday by Finance Minister Doug Horner’s office that for the first time in 20 years, it would be denied entry to the stakeholder budget lockup on March 7th.

Since its creation in 1990, the CTF has always provided pre-budget recommendations and participated in the budget lockup as the largest taxpayer advocacy group in the country – representing thousands of Albertans. The lockup allows stakeholders  to study the budget in order to provide insight and reaction to the media on a fair footing with opposition parties and the government.

”Not letting the CTF see the numbers won’t make the numbers any better. Hiding from critics won’t make us go away,” said CTF-Alberta Director Derek Fildebrandt.

The CTF has been criticical of the government’s fiscal policy, and especially the government’s plan to return to debt.

“We’ve certain had our differences with the government when it comes to fiscal policy, but keeping critics out because they don’t toe the party line is juvenile,” continued Fildebrandt.

On Monday, Doug Horner’s Press Secretary, Robyn Cochrane, informed the CTF that, “The minister has decided that the stakeholder lockup is full.”

CTF Alberta Director, Derek Fildebrandt, was invited as an expert panelist during the Premier’s Economic Summit in February and released a 56-page alternative balanced budget plan in earlier this year.

Fildebrandt concluded, “We’re not going pull our punches and play nice to stay on the government’s Christmas card list.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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